Ever felt unease due to doubtful changes with your spouse's behavior? Does it feel like there have been suspicious new routines that your spouse is adopting? Is the relationship drying, the spark fading, and are you tired of denial and evading questions? Well… take control of your life, don’t accept being taken for granted, take action and put an end to this exploitation. We have the tools that will help you gain hard proof to either confirm your doubts or your spouse’s honesty. We will grant you the peace of mind that you deserve… loyalty is sacred, and sometimes it needs to be put to the test.
Is using GPS to track your spouse a good idea?
Whether your doubts were in their place or not, sometimes you just need to know… you just have to be certain.
Peace of mind
Have peace of mind knowing you aren't going crazy! With a GPS Tracker constantly on a vehicle, you can have constant knowledge of your spouse's whereabouts. There might not be a reason for your doubts anymore, or it could regretfully be the proof you are looking for to reaffirm your suspicions. But without knowing, you will not gain that peace of mind.
Collect Proof
Sometimes you just know that there is something fishy, you just need hard evidence to mitigate the problem.
The more you track the more evidence you collect. With a GPS Tracker connected to your spouse’s vehicle, the data of their whereabouts is saved through the app or website. On ‘Spy Spot's tracking portable’ a 6 month history report is always saved.
With that information you can track the patterns of your spouse’s movements; know where they head to, when, and for how long.
Legal Side
If the vehicle is under your name it is completely legal to place a GPS Tracker in the vehicle.
8 things you need to consider before buying a spy tracker
There are 4 different trackers available, all about the size of a golf ball. The GL320MG Micro Tracker is a small, compact, and portable unit that is easy to place anywhere discreetly. There's also an OBD Tracker, this device is tiny and should be connected to your OBD port; the port that is usually found near the bottom left of a steering wheel. Next is a Mounted GPS tracker; this unit can be connected to the vehicle’s battery or livewire and track live pinpoint locations. Finally, there's a Hardwire GPS Tracker; this unit connects to a vehicle’s battery. Similar to the mounted GPS previously listed but with a special feature; this device can be enabled and disabled with just a click of a button!
Storage Capabilities
These trackers store 6 months worth of history. Storing history can make it easier for you to keep up with your spouse’s habits. With such sufficient information, you can know with certainty where they are heading, when, and for how long a duration; are they parking by a hotel or the house of someone familiar often? Are they somewhere with a view when they said they would be busy in the office working all weekend? You will have the information needed to tell the truths from the lies as clear as day.
Connectivity Range
Spy Spot's GPS Trackers all run off a 4G network, meaning an amazing signal that doesn’t cut off, with an even wider range! Wherever they are, no matter how far, you will know.
Battery Life
When it comes to battery life you'll only have to worry about the GL320Mg Micro tracker; which as we mentioned is a portable unit, and it lasts 2-3 weeks on a single charge. As for the Mounted, Hardwire, and OBD Trackers; they are all connected to the vehicle so they get constant power.
All the trackers are hardly the size of a golf ball; they are really small and will surely go unnoticed.
The Mounted and Hardwire GPS Trackers can withstand extreme weather; scorching heat or blizzard cold can’t damage those bad boys. As for the GL320Mg Micro tracker; it can be purchased with a magnetic case that is weather and waterproof.
Navigation App
Now with all 4 of these trackers, you can access the location through the app ‘SpySpotGPS' or online. In the app you can get a feed of the live location as well as a 6-month history report with in-depth details of the tacker’s records; records which include MPH, Breadcrumb trail, Street view, satellite view, on/off ignition reports, and much more!

Easy to hide
All 4 options of trackers are pretty easy to hide. The Hardwire and Mounted GPS Trackers go under the hood of your spouse’s car; so unless the vehicle is undergoing maintenance the tracker will go unnoticed. With the OBD Tracker; a wide cable is also available for purchase with this unit to hide the tracker and still have an OBD Port available to use. Lastly, with the Micro GPS Tracker; as mentioned you can purchase a magnetic case. The magnets on the case are incredibly strong and usually placed under a car. The trackers are all compact, undetectable, and discreet… No one will suspect a thing!
Top 4 Picks to do the job for you
GL20MG Micro GPS Tracker
This Micro GPS Tracker is compact and light; meaning it can be hidden anywhere discreetly. It is also rechargeable with a battery that lasts from 2 to 3 weeks; meaning it doesn’t need a constant power source. Thus; this tracker is designed to track anything since it can be placed anywhere. Hence; making it ideal for vehicles, valuable assets, or even your child. The tracker operates on a 4G network and provides 24/7 tracking. The location can be viewed through our app or website, and a 6 month history report is available with in depth information about the tracker and the whereabouts of the subject of interest who’s being tracked.

OBD II GPS Tracker
An OBD II GPS tracker is made to track the real-time location. It is compatible with any vehicle, and watercraft such as boats, jet skis, yachts you name it! Installation is easy, simply connect it to the OBD port, available in vehicle models from 1996 and later. The port is usually located near the bottom left of the steering wheel. This tracker doesn’t need charging since it draws power from the OBD port. The device not only tracks a pinpoint real-time location but offers a 6-month history report with features such as Breadcrumb Trail, satellite view, street view, and much more.

Hardwire GPS Tracker
The Hardwired GPS Tracker; the classic trustee spyware. It operates on a 4G network, providing a broader range and stronger signal. The additional perk of using this device is the ability to remotely control it; enable or disable the ignition via the app or website; offering excellent security for any vehicle or watercraft. This device offers pinpoint, real-time location. This tracker goes under the hood of the vehicle, so it goes completely unnoticed. It is always connected to a power source and doesn’t need recharging.

Mounted GPS Tracker
Spy Spot's GB130MG mounted GPS Tracks a pinpoint real-time location. It is designed for tracking vehicles and/or watercrafts. Installing it is rather easy; you can attach it to a livewire or the vehicle’s battery directly. A comprehensive installation guide is included with the package. The device is water and weatherproof, capable of withstanding extreme heat or cold. Additionally, it provides a detailed history report including information such as miles per hour, on and off ignition, motion detection, stops, and other events. Location and history reports can be viewed through the app or website.

Spy Spot Subscriptions
Spy Spot's GPS Trackers all run off a 4G Network and a SIM Card is built into the devices. Of course, since they run off a 4G network, an Activation fee, and Spy Spot Subscription are required. We will send you a detailed quotation of all the costs once you choose your preferred tracker and service package.
What subscriptions does Spy Spot offer?
Spy Spot offers different plans in order for you to choose which caters to your specific needs. Depending on how long you intend to use the tracking device you can pick the plan that suits your requirements best. One month of service is $24. Three months of service is $66, breaking down to about $22 a month. 6 months of service is $120, breaking down to about $20 monthly. And one year of service is $216; which breaks down to $18 a month. So the longer the period the more you actually save. Spy Spot also offers a low cost plan; with that plan your GPS reports once an hour. This affordable plan goes for $15.95 a month only!